Фотоработы Ричарда Тушмана, вдохновленные картинами Эдварда Хоппера

Тушман сделал диорамы размера кукольного домика и сфотографировал их в своей студии. Он сфотографировал модели на простом фоне, а затем сделал цифровые композиты в Photoshop:
Drawing inspiration from the paintings of Edward Hopper, Richard Tuschman’s series “Hopper Meditations”evokes the moody color palettes, cityscape backdrops, and solitary female characters that are signature elements in Hopper’s paintings. Tuschman explains, “I wanted to do a series of staged figurative narratives, somehow connected to past art, but also something I could take ownership of. The sets are all painted dollhouse size dioramas that I built and photographed in my studio. A lot of the furniture is standard dollhouse furniture, but some I made myself. I photographed the models against a plain backdrop, and then made the digital composites in Photoshop. This method gives me a great deal of control over every aspect of the process, and I can do it all in my small studio” https://www.juxtapoz.com/photography/hopper-meditations/
![Richard Tuschman is an American photographer based in New York. His works have been exhibited and awarded many times during his career. And it’s notably the case for his “Hopper Meditations”, brilliant tribute to the works of Edward Hopper. The artist successfully transposes the spirit of the painter’s works in his photographs. Don’t hesitate to […]](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fd/d9/b8/fdd9b88893a7f359b21f819e99b8b6fd.jpg)
Эдвард Хоппер (англ. Edward Hopper; 22 июля 1882, Найак, штат Нью-Йорк — 15 мая 1967, Нью-Йорк) — американский художник, видный представитель американской жанровой живописи, один из крупнейших урбанистов XX века
