The Flight of the Swallows - John Henry Lorimer (1906)
Разъяснение сюжета в моем вольном пересказе:
«Полет ласточек» - на картине элегантный интерьер эдвардианского дома. Мать с детьми на закате дня смотрят в окно на улетающих ласточек. Девочка плачет о том, что лето кончилось и настала пора прощаться с ласточками.
The Flight of the Swallows by John Henry Lorimer, 1906. The work depicts the elegant interior of an Edwardian household. A mother kneels on a window cushion as she and her three children look out the window. The sun seems to be setting as the room and the sky are lit with a warm glow. One of the children is seen sitting with her face in her hands, as if crying over the loss of summer. The other two children stand with their mother waving goodbye to the swallows.